Orpai studio - The blog

Some regions of India specialize in weaving shawls and have developed their own designs over the generations. In Rajasthan, over 500 years ago, a former community of weavers migrated in Gujarat. They were then called Meghwal Wankars; Today, each member of this community responds to the name of Vankar.

Bijanis are at the origin of agricultural tools traditionally used to sow fields in India, a technique widely spread in the 20th century. Hand-cut in solid wood, most of the time teak, they are made up of a funnel above...

In this article, I explain the real function of this essential table of our bohemian interiors!

Damchiya, Dowry Chest also in English, which I can roughly translate by "Dot chest" is a traditional Indian furniture that the bride brought to her beautiful family after her union, and which therefore contains her dowry.