Orpaï Studio - The Blog

Les châles traditionnels du Kutch dans le Gujarat
Certain regions of India specialize in weaving shawls and have developed their own designs over generations. In Rajasthan, more than 500 years ago, an ancient community of weavers is said to have migrated to Gujarat. They were then called Meghwal Wankars; today, every member of this community responds to the name Vankar.
Les bijanis - du semoir au bougeoir
Bijanis are at the origin of agricultural tools traditionally used to sow fields in India, a technique widely used in the 20th century. Hand-carved from solid wood, mostly teak, they consist of a funnel at the top and several outlets at...
L'histoire du damchiya indien - Orpaï Studio
The Damchiya, dowry chest also in English, which I can roughly translate as "dowry chest" is a traditional Indian piece of furniture that the bride brought to her in-laws after her union, and which therefore contains her dowry.